Report: Risk or Reward: Hydropower Impacts on Supply Chains in the Lower Mekong Basin
Large hydropower dams have significant energy, environmental and economic implications for the countries of the Lower Mekong Basin, including both benefits and negative impacts.
This study conducted a multicriteria assessment of the risks posed by hydropower development to five critical supply chains in the region (energy production, fisheries and aquaculture, rice production, sand mining, and textiles and electronics). The risks are categorised into physical, financial, market, regulatory, and reputational. Results were presented from both regional and national perspectives, as well as the implications on the neighbouring country (Singapore) through trading. Eight actionable recommendations were introduced based on the findings of the risk analysis.
AMPERES worked closely with the WWF team to design the methodology and undertake the rapid assessment of the hydropower-related risks to the five critical supply chains of the region. Our work involved the adaptation of the risk assessment framework to the Lower Mekong Region context, a desk-based review of the relevant supply chains' background, identification of hydropower-induced changes and scoring the entailing risks to quantify the economic consequences of these sectors.
Client: Worldwide Fund For Nature in Viet Nam (WWF)
Country: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore
Duration: 2022 - 2023