Shan state
Jiaxiang farmer
mekong delta eel farm
Pannyo e-cooking
salween dialogues CSO meeting
Sesan river fishing village

Our mission

AMPERES is a sustainability enterprise, we use the flexibility, operating models and leverage of an enterprise to advance sustainable outcomes for the communities, governments and companies that we support.

Our mission is to improve how water, energy and environmental resources are used and managed; to center decisions and ownership locally and improve equity of access.

We believe a closer connection between human and environmental systems will make our communities more resilient, more equitable and more liveable for this generation and the next.


Our services

We support governments to improve the sustainability of policy and planning processes

  • Climate risk & adaptation assessments,

  • Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs),

  • integrated environmental assessments,

  • river basin plans,

  • water resources & hydrological modelling

  • GHG emissions and energy systems modelling

  • economic modelling & market outlooks

  • geospatial data insight

  • project and program design

We empower communities to improve livelihoods through affordable and reliable access to distributed energy & water resources

  • Design & build of distributed PV-Storage mini-grids.

  • distributed water supply and filtration systems

  • participatory community planning processes

  • Training and support to communities for more effective engagement in development planning processes and local issues advocacy.

We work with companies & industry to decarbonise their business, promote energy independence and reduce operating costs

  • Grid-tied and off-grid rooftop solar and PV-Storage systems

  • Feasibility studies

  • energy efficiency audits

  • energy management planning

We collaborate with researchers & universities to prototype, test & scale innovative technology towards successful commercialisation

  • Field trials and piloting of technology and business models

  • market surveys

  • business model analysis and pathways to market planning

Southern Shan_village kids swimming
khone falls fisherman
An Giang solar household system
AWP Australian strategic planning
Yangon municipal wwtp