Scoping Study on Australian Engagement in Energy & Climate Change Sectors in Vietnam

Client: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Implementing partners: ANU Energy Change Institute's Grand Challenge: Zero- Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific (ZEACAP)

Australia is a world leader in the sustainable energy transition, and its long-standing bilateral partnership with Vietnam offers an opportunity to leverage its experience to support Vietnam in the energy transition. Ensuring the renewable energy successes of the 2019-2020 scale would require strategic, innovative use of policy and market tools if they are to constructively reshape the macroeconomic patterns of Vietnam’s industrial fossil-fuel economy. We supported DFAT in Vietnam to design an energy support program for the Vietnamese Government that leverages Australia’s world-leading expertise in the renewable energy transition to strengthen the transition of the Vietnamese power sector towards decarbonisation and green growth.


Pathways to Sustainable and Just Transformation of the Mekong Region’s Electricity Sector


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